Captain Carbon Sequester

Captain Carbon Sequester

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Death of Capt Carbon Sequester

We are sorry to formally announce the death of Capt. Carbon Sequester.  He passed away late last night after sucking on the tailpipe of an idling car that some irresponsible person left running in an attempt to filter the carbon emissions through his body.  After several minutes of mouth-to-tailpipe, he had fallen unconscious and later was determined dead.  We give great thanks for his concerns about the environment and hope others will do their best to preserve our great land..... with common sense of course.

1 comment:

  1. This is my self-eval for the third and final grading period.

    I completed 7 content oriented posts in this section of the gradebook, which was better effort on my part from the second evaluation. I did lack a bunch of commenting on other people's blogs and think I only have about 3 comments for this grading period. What I have done well is provide an objective point of view to my initial stance, and in a sense opened the floor for more exploration into the subject for the readers. I could have used improvement in more ingaging points and outlooks for the blog. I basically lost interest before the halfway point and struggled from there. My engagement kind of changed over the course of the semester. I latest posts were not nearly as deficit model as my initial posts. I believe most of the awareness I gained about science communication is mental and didn't actual work itself out into my blog. There are many things I am taking away from this course and now know the "right" way, or better way to go about communicating in science. I think I should receive at least the score required for me to get a C in this class!!! Thanks Dr. Schneider!
