Captain Carbon Sequester

Captain Carbon Sequester

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Visual Learing

In an effort to connect to the audience in another way, a visual way, I will post a few videos concerning the topic at hand - carbon sequestration.

The first video is another general introduction to carbon sequestration, yet also touches on the involvement of the Department of Energy in the movement to reduce green house gases.  In combination with renewables, and increased efficiency, it is projected that a great reduction in overall emissions can be made.

The second video touches on a different form of sequestration, and that is terrestrial.

1 comment:

  1. So, the videos are a good start! But they're definitely still along the lines of deficit-model communication. There's no real impetus to watch them. You have to find a way to hook us into the material, to engage us in some way. And it's probably not going to be by giving us videos that supply just the facts--you have to tell a story about them.
